Workout Recap - Week of March 22, 2020
My apologies for the delays in finished the Cursed Monastery of the Crocodile-Behemoth series and my silence in general for this last...
Authors Give Back
I've skirted around talking about COVID-19 a few times, because there isn't much that I can say about it which hasn't been said better...
Workout Recap - Week of March 15, 2020
This was a depressing week, and it was a week where I dealt with some depression, and between the two, only four workouts were had....
Cursed Monastery of the Crocodile-Behemoth (Part 4)
Part 3 Apologies for the delays in progress with this adventure, as current events have been a spanner in the works for a few things. ...
Tips about Narrative Presentation for Exploration in TTRPGs
In response to my comment on his post about TTRPGs lacking a real sense of exploration, noisms mentioned that doing narrative well is an...
Workout Recap - Week of March 8, 2020
Well, the whole COVID-19 situation sure escalated quickly during this week. I'm still healthy, as far as I can tell, but the dour mood...
Tropin' d20 - Painful Body Waxing
No special preamble today. Let's jump right in to hitting that "random trope" button on TVTropes and coming up with six ideas inspired...
Cursed Monastery of the Crocodile-Behemoth (Part 3)
Part 2 Having had a few days to ruminate on this adventure subconsciously while trying to apply my paltry skills to attracting people to...
OD&D Multiclassing Idea
In preparation of (hopefully) starting an open table game in the near future, I've been looking at different options for old school rules....
Cursed Monastery of the Crocodile-Behemoth (Part 2)
Part 1 After quite some internal deliberation, I've come down in favor of building this adventure as a nodal mystery. A dungeon crawl...