Workout Recap - Week of May 10, 2020
In an effort to change things up a bit this week, I decided to focus on my breathing. Aside from its obvious applicability in a time of...
Workout Recap - Week of May 3, 2020
Since the pandemic response has eliminated most of my commuting, I've been using my extra time to take some online courses (as touched on...
Workout Recap - Week of April 26, 2020
I took it light this week, for two reasons. First, I wanted to make sure that I was over whatever minor injury I'd suffered last week. ...
Workout Recap - Week of April 19, 2020
It seems I went a bit too hard with the anti-poor-posture back work mentioned last week, as I agitated some muscle(s) just under my right...
Workout Recap - Week of April 12, 2020
It took a little longer than I'd expected, but my hands are feeling good again. I packed in an extra challenge to help make up for the...
Workout Recap - Week of April 5, 2020
The best-laid plans.... A late shift in my schedule made me bump my monthly burpee challenge back to today (April 12). I swapped in a...
Resources for Keeping Active at Home
I've seen plenty of jokes about people and/or their pets falling out of shape during their time at home, and while I have nothing to say...
Workout Recap - Week of March 29, 2020
As I've said a few times in the past, there's something meditative about my pass/fail workouts. Maybe frustrations with certain matters...
Workout Recap - Week of March 22, 2020
My apologies for the delays in finished the Cursed Monastery of the Crocodile-Behemoth series and my silence in general for this last...
Workout Recap - Week of March 15, 2020
This was a depressing week, and it was a week where I dealt with some depression, and between the two, only four workouts were had....