Looking Over Book of Challenges: Primary Thinking
Premise A puzzle built over gas vents and around a gaggle of golems protects a renowned wizard’s tomb. Good The golems forcing...
Looking Over Book of Challenges: Where's the Party?
Premise A magical maze teleports the party through an endless string of fights unless they figure out the way through. Good While the...
Looking Over Book of Challenges: Twelve Heads Are Better Than One
Premise A hot spring serves as a lair for fire giants with a pet hydra. Good The first boxed text is actually decent. It should’ve...
Looking Over Book of Challenges: Riddles and Prizes
Premise A black dragon pretends to be a copper dragon to lure unsuspecting visitors into fake riddle games. Good The ring of mind...
Looking Over Book of Challenges: Beholder Dome
Premise A beholder has set an ambush for intruders in a self-themed room. Good Similar to Cave of the Snake, I like that there are a...
Looking Over Book of Challenges: Tangled Webs
Premise A couple of drow lovers have turned a cavern into their lair. Good Shadow sentries and spider-silk vibration sensor networks are...
Looking Over Book of Challenges: Safe and Sound
Premise A room contains a series of escalating traps with asynchronous effects to bait the party into the most dangerous ones. Good The...
Looking Over Book of Challenges: Simply Shocking
Premise A pair of ropers wait to launch an ambush from behind illusions concealing magical minefields. Good Setting the ropers in zones...
Looking Over Book of Challenges: Dark Hunt
Premise A vampire hunting party sets their sights on the PCs. Good The idea of a group of supernatural monsters that shift through planes...
Looking Over Book of Challenges: With a Little Help from My Friends
Premise A succubus and its charmed thralls present a nuisance to the party. Good Moral questions surrounding mind-controlling magic are a...