Workout Recap - Week of October 1, 2017
I should've done my monthly 100 burpee challenge this Saturday, but I didn't. Friday was too much of a roller coaster, and I felt too drained and ashen to do much of anything aside from painting up an ugly corpse person. The extra comments are somewhat terse for the same reason.
Type: Pass/Fail
Semiclose Handstand Push Ups - 2 sets of 14 (pass)
Hanging V-raises - 2 sets of 8 (pass)
Shrimp Squats - 2 sets of 7, each side (pass)
Bonus: 4 sets of 3 half-Superman push ups, 5 shrimp squats with both hands behind me (each side)
Honestly, I just spaced out and did the wrong kind of shrimp squats for this workout. At least I tried to make up for it to some degree with the bonus.
Type: As Fast As Possible
5 sets of:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Prisoner Squats
Time = 4:15
Bonus: 10 breath isometric holds for each variation of a 3-limbed bridge
A basic "I didn't have anything planned and wanted to do SOMETHING" workout. At least the time was an improvement over my previous performance.
Type: Pass/Fail
1-Armed Push Ups, Feet Together - 1 set of 10 (pass)
Stand-to-Stand Bridges (with one touch of a wall on the way up) - 1 set of 10 (pass)
Uneven Pull Ups - 1 set of 10, each side (pass)
Bonus: 4 sets of 3 half-Superman push ups,10 breath isometric holds for each variation of a 3-limbed bridge
Nothing much to say about this one, other than that I did it. I suppose it was something of an upper body gauntlet, if nothing else.
Type: Pass/Fail
Semiclose Handstand Push Ups - 1 set of 15 (pass)
Shrimp Squats, Both Hands Behind Me - 1 set of 8, each side (pass)
Hanging V-raises - 1 set of 10 (pass)
Bonus: 4 sets of 3 two-way suicide jumps, 10 bridges
This was mostly to make up for doing the wrong kind of shrimp squats on Sunday.