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Workout Recap - Week of August 26, 2018

I mean, at this point, I might as well just keep repeating the introduction for the recap posts, because it feels like I've got nothing new to say for them. In theory, there are other things that I could talk about, but I do try to keep these focused on a relevant topic where I can. That being said, there isn't much else to add other than that I'm still about a month away from being back home, so I'm still stuck with just trying to minimize how much I regress in the interim.



Type: Pass/Fail

Shoulder-width Handstand Push Ups - 3 sets of 10 (pass)

Underhand Horizontal Rows - 3 sets of 12 (pass)

Bonus: 5 burpees

So, one of the irritating quirks about the hotel room that I have is that there isn't a convenient place to do handstand push ups without moving around some furniture. Mind you, the furniture that needs to be moved isn't particularly onerous (it's basically a nightstand with a single drawing), but the annoyance of needing to move it to get a free chunk of wall space and then needing to move it back so that it's not in the way of getting around the room in general is grating enough that I didn't do any more handstand push ups this week after this workout. Spoiler alert.


Type: As Fast As Possible

8 sets of:

10 Push Ups

15 Prisoner Squats

Time = 6:15

Bonus: none

Well, I was half-right last Tuesday, in that this routine did come up again. I didn't add more sets to it, but I did improve the completion time by 8%, so progress was made.


Type: Pass/Fail

Fingertip Push Ups - 2 sets of 10 (pass)

Bridges - 2 sets of 15 (pass)

Straight Leg Raises - 2 sets of 20 (pass)

Bonus: 2 sets of 6 Superman push ups

I feel like the physical thing with my fitness that takes the greatest hit during these trips is my grip strength/endurance, so I thought that it'd be a good idea to start doing fingertip push ups to counteract that. You'll see a concerted effort in that direction with the next few workouts.


Type: Pass/Fail

Fingertip Push Ups - 2 sets of 10 (pass)

Bridges - 2 sets of 15 (pass)

Straight Leg Raises - 2 sets of 20 (pass)

Bonus: 2 sets of 6 Superman push ups

Case in point, where this was an exact replica of the previous workout.


Type: As Fast As Possible

50 Burpees

Time = 4:45

Bonus: 10 bridges

Once again, a direct reply to the previous week's workout, wherein I did the same thing but faster. On the plus side, that was exactly the goal that I'd set for myself, so I achieved it. Huzzah and hurrah!

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