Workout Recap - Week of December 29, 2019
I cut my thumb during some food prep this week. No serious damage, fortunately, so I can't say that it had any significant impact on my workout performances. I just felt like mentioning it.
Type: As Fast As Possible
7 sets of:
7 Burpees
7 Bridges
Time = 8:00
Bonus: 1 burpee, 1 bridge, 30 breath isometric dead hang
Not a terrible time, here. It could be better, surely, but this was a decent way to kick off the week.
Type: Pass/Fail
Close Handstand Push Ups - 1 set of 13 (pass)
3-limb Bridges - 1 set of 13 breath isometric hold, each combination (pass)
L-Hang - 1 set of 33 breath isometric hold (pass)
Bonus: none
My last workout before the new year! As per my usual, the main was for steady improvement, not for a spectacular leap, and I think I achieved that. Onward, to 2020!
Type: As Fast As Possible
5 sets of:
5 Pull Ups
5 Burpees
10 Side Lunges
Time = 5:30
Bonus: 1 pull up, 1 burpee, 30 breath isometric dead hang
I decided to treat this as a miniature version of my upcoming weekend challenge workout, with some side lunges thrown in for variety's sake to fill things out. Can't ask for much more than this from it.
Type: As Fast As Possible
4 sets of:
10 Chin Ups
10 Close Squats
10 Hindu Push Ups
20 Side Lunges
Time = 10:00
Bonus: 30 breath isometric dead hang
I sure did get into a rut with my bonuses for this week. It was an effort to provide some extra stimulation for my thumb to promote healing without being at a significant risk of overloading it. As for this workout itself, I was pleased with how it went. Nothing phenomenal, but I had steady and maintained output from start to finish without having held back for pacing purposes.
Type: Pass/Fail
One-arm Dead Hangs - 2 sets of 12 breath isometric hold, each side (pass)
Fingertip Push Ups - 2 sets of 16 (pass)
Pistol Squats, both hands behind me - 2 sets of 8, each side (pass)
Bonus: 20 push ups
In a reversal from the end of last week, I held my ground with my upper body movements while making progress with my squats here. I had intended to do my typical weekend challenge workout, but for some reason, my mind just wasn't into it, and I decided that doing an alternate workout would be better than forcing myself to go through with it. On a more positive note, my thumb held up just fine throughout this workout, so I think it's safe to say that the cut is essentially healed. Thus ends a rather anticlimactic subplot.