Workout Recap - Week of March 29, 2020
As I've said a few times in the past, there's something meditative about my pass/fail workouts. Maybe frustrations with certain matters as a result of the current pandemic is part of why I keep favoring them over timed workouts, but I will make up for this week's lack of a challenge workout with bookend challenges next week.
Type: Pass/Fail
One-arm Pull Up Negatives - 3 sets of 3, each side (pass)
Fingertip Diamond Push Ups - 3 sets of 6 (pass)
Bonus: none
A rehash of what I did to open last week. Nothing too special, just getting more comfortable with this workload before trying to go further with them.
Type: As Fast As Possible
3 sets of:
21/15/9 Lunges
11/8/5 Pull Ups
21/15/9 Side Lunges
11/8/5 Handstand Push Ups
21/15/9 Sit Ups
Time = 10:00
Bonus: 2 sets of 10 bridges
Still playing around with this to find a specific routine that really sings to me. I liked working in pull ups for it, but I think it could use some tweaking to increase the difficulty.
Type: Pass/Fail
3-limb Bridges - 2 sets of 2, each combination (pass)
Uneven Handstand Push Ups - 2 sets of 4, each side (pass)
L-Hang - 2 sets of 28 breath isometric hold (pass)
Bonus: 15 breath isometric towel dead hang
Going slightly further with my uneven handstand push ups and L-hangs. I felt good with them, so a new baseline is set.
Type: Pass/Fail
One-arm Pull Up Negatives - 1 set of 6, each side (pass)
3-limb Bridges - 1 set of 3, each combination (pass)
Uneven Handstand Push Ups - 1 set of 6, each side (pass)
Bonus: none
This was an especially frustrating day, so I wanted something simple and straightforward where I could just clear my mind and slide through it.
Type: Pass/Fail
One-arm Pull Up Negatives - 2 sets of 4, each side (pass)
Fingertip Diamond Push Ups - 2 sets of 8 (pass)
3-limb Bridges - 2 sets of 2, each combination (pass)
Bonus: 8 bridge kips, 10 breath isometric free headstand
A fairly standard workout, by my current standards. I used my extra energy at the end to do some balance work in anticipation of eventually doing free handstand push ups.