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Workout Recap - Week of June 14, 2020

After six straight weeks of five workouts, I dialed back to just four for this week. Considering how the results went, I'm comfortable with admitting that I needed that extra day to recharge myself.

In related news, I might be shaking up my general regimen soon. By happenstance, I got to talking with a personal trainer that I know about my fitness goals and progress, and he suggested that shifting my focus/approach for a bit could help with overcoming plateauing (he also clarified that what I refer to as endurance is really more so metabolic conditioning, but as a layman, I think the general usage of "endurance" is still valid for what I want to say). I'm expecting to speak with him again tomorrow for some more specifics, so there may be some changes to look forward to in the immediate future.



Type: As Fast As Possible

100 Burpees

Time = 10:00

Bonus: 25 breath isometric dead hang

Opening a second straight week with tying a personal record! Nice!


Type: As Fast As Possible

10 sets of:

5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups

15 Prisoner Squats

Time = 12:30

Bonus: none

It seems like I burned myself out with that 100 burpee time, because this was a disappointing step back. Unsurprisingly, the last couple of sets were where fatigue really kicked in, so some emphasis on getting my endurance tuned up is in order.


Type: Pass/Fail

One-arm Bridges - 2 sets of 3, each side (pass) One-leg Bridges - 2 sets of 3, each side (pass)

Tiger Bend Headstand - 2 sets of 10 breaths (pass)

Front Tuck Dead Hang - 2 sets of 13 breaths (pass)

Bonus: none

I stepped up the inversion balancing this week. I'd expected more weight to be on my neck, but it actually felt like the majority was going through my arms. It's too bad that I don't have any mirrors or cameras set up to check my body alignment, in case that might give some insights as to why that happened, but at the very least, it does imply that this might be a sensible progression towards free handstands.


Type: Pass/Fail

One-arm Pull Up Negatives - 2 sets of 4, each side (pass)

Tiger Bend Headstand - 2 sets of 12 breaths (pass)

One-arm Bridges - 2 sets of 3, each side (pass)

One-leg Bridges - 2 sets of 4, each side (pass)

Bonus: none

A strong showing on the pull up negatives; I'd say I was close to managing a flex hang on the first rep or two on each side, which is amazing. My three-limb bridges are also getting stronger (particularly for the one-leg versions, but there's clear progress for the one-arm ones, too). All in all, this was a nice way to wrap up the week.


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