Workout Recap - Week of August 11, 2024
As expected, I made it to just three classes this week. The light loads for this week and last are as close as I allow myself to get to taking an actual break.
Muay Thai class
The coach was focusing on working one-on-one with competitive fighters for their upcoming matches, so one of the retired fighters took over as a guest coach. As a result, we worked on some pushing and pulling while striking, which isn't something that we spend much time on typically. I had a good time with it, though, since I like that stuff, and apparently I have an atypical aptitude for figuring out how to build effective bone frames to involve my core in the efforts instead of just using my arms. I also made my partner vomit from pushing them too hard in terms of the pacing (they showed signs of it clearly enough that they were able to get to the trash to do it). I had a good time with that, too.
Muay Thai class
This class worked on doing offense into defense into countering, once again with a guest coach (a different one from the previous class). We did a smattering of different ways to defend both punches and kicks, and my partner and I also mixed in several general improvised defense checks between drill repetitions. This is the sort of thing I enjoy, so I had fun with it.
Muay Thai class
This was a kick-focused class, during which my partner said that I had the most impactful kicks of anyone they had held pads for, which is a big enough lie that I'm not sure why they thought I'd believe it, but I'm willing to at least take it as a sign that I can consistently hit hard enough to do damage despite being undersized. Granted, as far as finding evidence that I'm doing something correctly, it also didn't hurt that I front-kicked my partner into the kru while she was trying to walk past us (the collision didn't seem to hurt them, either, fortunately). We finished up with grinding out a high volume of low kicks and medicine ball slams, which I still think is a suboptimal exercise to finish on (especially when the ball we were using was about 25% of my bodyweight and thus not well-suited to building explosiveness while I was tired already), but getting through it with minimal recovery breaks always feels good. Even funnier, a third person had joined us for that, and they thought that I must have also cheated on how many slams I did during the first round when we were taking turns while my original partner just held the kick shield for low kicks, at least until I insisted that I had actually done the full rep counts, much to their amazement.