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Workout Recap - Week of August 25, 2024

Lots of stamina work of late as the kru gets fighters ready for the competitive event later this month, and it seems like she's coming to trust the new crop of students enough to bring back some head-to-head work. All good developments, from my perspective.




Muay Thai class

This was an interesting stamina-focused class, with high-volume work using all eight limbs. As I've said many times before, I like knees and elbows, so I was having a blast. My partner even complained more than once about how hard I hit those on the pads, and while I'm often dismissive of such things, I am willing to accept the words in this case because knees and elbows are easy to do dangerously (which is part of why I like them).


Muay Thai class

This was a boxing day, with an emphasis on head movement and countering. My evasion is still fairly clunky (I tend to prefer using footwork to manage spacing/angles instead of head movement, since I have little faith in my reactions when I'm not baiting someone into getting read), but my punches certainly seem to crack harder than someone my size should be capable of, so there was some palpable positive performance. My lats were sore afterwards, but my calves felt surprisingly fine, so that was also a nice development.


Muay Thai class

This was a hard stamina class, with several extended and/or multiple-kick sequences. There was one round a bit after the midpoint where I felt exhausted at the end, but I was pleasantly surprised by how well I was able to recover and still finish strong for what came afterward. I really enjoyed this class, for some uncertain reason, though it admittedly might just be a rolling high from having made a good friend notably happy earlier in the day.



Muay Thai class

Head-to-head defense drills made a welcome return to the general assembly this day. It felt like it'd been forever since I was in one of these classes, but I seemed to pick up pretty much where I'd left off, which I'm taking as a sign that I've been taking my training in the interim seriously regardless of who I was partnered with. I even did a round with one of the gym's heavyweights (or at least a former heavyweight, since I'm not sure what their weight is at now) where I got to feel some impact despite my hyposensitivity and kept right on trucking in return until they wore down over the course of the round. Hopefully these types of classes become a more common thing going forward, now that the kru seems to be comfortable with the current crop of newbie getting to hit and defend against another person.


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