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Workout Recap - Week of December 1, 2024

In an interesting development, one of the fighters is going to start teaching BJJ classes in January. I'm not sure how long that'll last, but they've apparently done BJJ for around 10 years, so I do intend to join in and develop what I can while it lasts.



Muay Thai class

This class stuck with the pattern of stamina-grinding Mondays, but it mixed things up a bit with a drill station gauntlet rotation for most of the class. Attendance was on the light side, so it wasn't as grueling as some other times we've done that, but I'm still pleased about holding up decently well through it. One of the competitive fighters was very complimentary that I was locked in and pushing the pace during my time at their station, though they're someone who seems to say nice things to everyone, so I don't trust the compliments completely. Anyway, we finished up the class with some repeated low kicks and medicine ball slams, which is something that I tend to do well in regularly, and this day was no exception.



Muay Thai class

We did head-to-head defense drilling for most of this class. The drills themselves were pretty basic, probably to try building confidence in the newer members, but it's never a bad time to polish up fundamentals. We finished things up with a few rounds of light sparring; I set a personal goal to do a feint to start my offense at least three times per round, which I achieved. Useful class overall.


Muay Thai class

This class started off with some light sparring. My personal goal this time was to interrupt my opponent's punching with my own punches at least once per round, which I achieved. I had a newbie partner in one round who was clearly trying to bomb away when they were attacking and then running away constantly when they weren't, so I baited them into cornering themself and then lit them up with a barrage of light taps until they stopped cowering and tried to return. I know the usual advice people say when someone's going too hard in light sparring is to either stop and tell them or to go hard in return, but I like defending well enough to laugh off anything they're doing and keeping my responses light; I feel like that's a better way to wound their ego than feeding into it. Anyway, we finished up with a few padwork rounds of practicing front kicks and side kicks, which was fine enough. Hopefully, the trend of more regular light sparring continues.



Muay Thai class

This was a padwork class working on front kicks. It was fine enough, I guess, but I wasn't really engaged mentally since I was dealing with a depression spell. Not much else to say.



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