Workout Recap - Week of January 16, 2022
No point in a lengthy intro when I'm writing this right after the last one. I'll be fine with going back to my usual calisthenics, but I might consider getting some kettlebells for future variety.
Type: Pass/Fail
Pull Ups - 3 sets of 5 (pass)
24 kg Kettlebell Deadlift - 3 sets of 5 (pass)
Dips - 3 sets of 5 (pass)
24 kg Kettlebell Squats - 3 sets of 5 (pass)
Bonus: none
Increasing the volume some, and my body seems to be responding well.
Type: Pass/Fail
Pull Ups - 3 sets of 5 (pass)
Dips - 3 sets of 5 (pass)
16 kg Kettlebell Shoulder Press - 3 sets of 5, each side (pass)
60 lbs Barbell Standing Rows - 3 sets of 5 (pass)
Bonus: none
This workout did a nice job of putting my shoulders through a variety of loads. A fine experiment.
Type: Pass/Fail
24 kg Kettlebell Deadlift - 3 sets of 5 (pass)
Hanging Leg Raises - 3 sets of 5 (pass)
24 kg Kettlebell Squats - 3 sets of 5 (pass)
Bonus: 10 20-lbs weighted lunges (each side)
Something of a lower body-focused compliment to the previous workout. I should be pushing my legs harder.
Type: Pass/Fail
Pull Ups - 2 sets of 8 (pass)
60 lbs Barbell Shoulder Press - 2 sets of 8 (pass)
60 lbs Barbell Front Squats - 2 sets of 8 (pass)
Bonus: 8 60-lbs weighted calf raises
Losing the free forearm rotation by switching from kettlebells to a barbell for the shoulder press made it feel awkward. Not in a bad way, just in a way that was unfamiliar.