Workout Recap - Week of January 24, 2021
Once again, the drive just wasn't there for me to get in a fifth workout this week. That hasn't been the only thing that I've slacked on lately, either. I've got ideas for a few new posts, along with continuing my Diablo 2 guide series eventually, but for the moment, it seems like all I can manage is trying to keep myself together.
Type: Pass/Fail
Shoulder-width Handstand Push Ups - 2 sets of 10 (pass)
Shrimp Squats - 2 sets of 5, each side (pass)
Hanging Straight Leg Raises - 2 sets of 10 (pass)
Bonus: 10 bridges
Making some gradual progress here. I can't actually remember if shrimp squats with both hands behind my back were easier than pistol squats with my hands on my shoulders, but I'd guess that they were, if only from the reduced range of motion. That's looking a bit further down the road than where I'm at right now, but I don't see the harm in having a plan.
Type: As Fast As Possible
5 sets of:
12 Side Lunges (each side)
10 Push Ups
8 Bridges
Time = 7:30
Bonus: 10 chin ups
A little more variety in the arrangement, and a little more degree of difficulty overall, compared to my recent timed workouts. That's the way to go.
Type: Pass/Fail
Diamond Push Ups - 1 set of 24 (pass)
Closing Bridges - 1 set of 8 (pass)
Close Pull Ups - 1 set of 13 (pass)
Bonus: none
Similar to what I did last week for these movements, albeit with one more rep of each. Still, it's nothing deserving further comment.
Type: Pass/Fail
Shoulder-width Handstand Push Ups - 2 sets of 10 (pass)
Shrimp Squats - 2 sets of 5, each side (pass)
Hanging Straight Leg Raises - 2 sets of 10 (pass)
Bonus: none
I repeated Sunday's workout here. Part of me wanted to do a weekend challenge, but I was too shaken from other circumstances to put in a representative performance. Maybe I can find a way to make up for it next week.