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Workout Recap - Week of January 29, 2023

I know I'm a week behind with this one, but this time it's because I was away from home last weekend and didn't have a laptop with me. Not that the delay is really anything that anyone else cares about.



Type: Pass/Fail

Pistol Squats - 1 set of 10, each side (pass)

Handstand Push Ups - 1 set of 15 (pass)

Hanging Leg Raises - 1 set of 12 (pass)

Bonus: 7 burpees

Making up for where I came up short last time, plus rounding out the muscle groups used. I've got a trip coming up, and I'll be getting back into proper martial arts training soon after that, so this is mostly maintenance filler.


Type: Pass/Fail

Pull Ups - 1 set of 12 (pass)

Bridges - 1 set of 20 (pass)

Handstand Push Ups - 1 set of 15 (pass)

Bonus: 7 burpees

More of the same from the previous day, really. I'd like to say more, but I'm purposefully holding back on pushing myself too much during these workouts to reduce the risk of injury.


Type: Pass/Fail

One-arm Push Ups, feet together - 1 set of 4, each side (pass)

Bridges - 1 set of 20 (pass)

Hanging Leg Raises - 1 set of 12 (pass)

Bonus: 7 burpees

The push ups were tough here, especially trying to maintain my form while using my left arm. I struggled through and made it, but I'm not exactly proud of them.


12 km walk

The distance doesn't consider how many elevation changes there are in Seattle's downtown, nor that I broke my walking partner unintentionally. She's doing better now, though, so at least there's that.


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