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Workout Recap - Week of March 7, 2021

I was dealing with a shortage of time (and an excess of rage) this week, so I did only four workouts. I'm happy with how they went, but I'll be looking to bounce back up to five in the future.



Type: Pass/Fail

Close Handstand Push Ups - 2 sets of 4 (pass)

Shrimp Squats - 2 sets of 7, each side (pass)

Isometric L-Hang - 2 sets of 8 breaths (pass)

Bonus: 3 hanging grip flips (full cycles)

Getting back to these workouts, I pushed myself a step farther along with my squats and L-hangs. It all felt good, so I should be on track for more progression soon.


Type: Pass/Fail

Uneven Push Ups - 2 sets of 6 (pass)

Stand-to-stand Bridges, one wall touch on the way up - 2 sets of 4 (pass)

Uneven Pull Ups - 2 sets of 4, each side (pass)

Bonus: none

Doing an extra rep with all three movements. Nice! The bridges and pull ups left me sucking some wind, so I'll want to pause on advancing too aggressively with those, but the push ups seem good to go harder.


Type: Pass/Fail

Close Handstand Push Ups - 2 sets of 5 (pass)

Shrimp Squats - 2 sets of 7, each side (pass)

Isometric L-Hang - 2 sets of 10 breaths (pass)

Bonus: none

I hadn't planned on doing second go of this routine during the same week, but circumstances pushed me this way. In any case, I was a little too wobbly to feel good about going harder with the squats, but I did fit in some progress for the other two. Good signs of more to come, I hope.


Type: As Fast As Possible

7 sets of:

7 Burpees

7 Bridges

Time = 8:00

Bonus: 1 burpee, 1 bridge

Coming off of the easiest weekend challenge routine last week, I went after the hardest one (short of 100 burpees) this week. Missing my PR by 30 seconds again never felt so good! This actually gave me a lot more confidence in my current fitness level, so the stage is set to get back to where I'd been before.


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