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Workout Recap - Week of November 3, 2024

No double-class this Thursday, either, since the kru had a personal matter come up that day. On the plus side, I did get a few little signs that I've become something dangerous.



Muay Thai class

This was a stamina-burning day, or at least it would've been if I wasn't working in a trio. Still, it was good to rip hard and fast from start to finish, especially when I was still cracking the pads hard at the end of the class. Simple but effective training feels good.



Muay Thai class

This first class worked on some atypical kickboxing sequences. This was the first padwork class in a while where it felt like I was paired up with someone who could keep up with my full effort, so I got a nice and hard training session out of it. We finished up with some light boxing rounds, too, which was a welcome change of pace. The second class was all about head-to-head defense drills; some of my favorite stuff. Incoming strikes were limited to either a naked round kick or a single punch into a round kick, so we were kicking each other hard, too. I was internally pleased about handling all of the incoming body- and head-level kicks with a single arm, despite doing a few rounds with some notoriously-hard-kicking competitive fighters, and I was also pleased that my kicks seemed to bother both of those fighters despite them using three-point blocks. Anyway, we finished up doing some practice on catching kicks and sweeping, which I was bad at as usual, though maybe I was marginally better? All in all, a good set of classes that gave some nice signs about how good I might be at fighting.


Muay Thai class

This started out as a boxing class, though the kru added in some elbows and knees as things went on. I was in need of some stress relief, so I was ripping hard on everything without any real concern for my padholders' safety, in a way that I haven't really done before that I can recall. I apparently almost made one of them throw up from drilling the pads into their solar plexus on a knee, and I got some (probably meant to be complimentary?) complaints about making their hands hurt with my punches. In clearer feedback, the kru said I was doing well at adjusting my range when shifting between punches and elbows, which was nice to hear. I intend to return to being controlled and safer in the future, but it was nice to confirm that I can go feral.



Muay Thai class

One of the competitive fighters led the class this day, giving us a mix of offense and defense to work on. Unfortunately, I got partnered up with an unmotivated meatsack who had no apparent interest in providing any meaningful simulation of anything. I did what I could to salvage things for myself, but it was ultimately a pretty wasted class for me. At least I did have a cool moment afterwards, though, when someone approached me as I was leaving to ask if I would partner with them the next time we were both in class because they wanted to get better by working with more skilled people. I said I would, of course; as I've said before, I'm fine training with anybody who wants to actually take things seriously.


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