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Workout Recap - Week of September 15, 2024

Saturday's event was the best of the fight events I've been to, with lots of competitive matches and very little downtime between them. It's still not something that I enjoyed enough to seek out as a high priority in the future, but it was fine enough as an occasional way to pass a day.




Muay Thai class

This class was a good hard padwork session, focused on hammering out basic but effective sequences. I was happy with it, but then, we did do some elbow striking, so of course I would be. That aside, I was generally pleased with how well I was naturally protecting my jaw with my striking-side shoulder when I was being mindful to pay attention to that element of my form, and my compact hook punches were landing with dangerous ferocity. Perhaps it isn't entirely polite exaggeration when people say they're scared to spar with me because they're aware of how much I choose to hold back in that context.


Muay Thai class

This was yet another in the recent string of class working on doing fundamental stuff in volume to develop stamina and good habits. If nothing else, opening up with repeated doubled round kicks from alternating sides set the tone for the grind. I think I held up well through the drills, but I definitely hit my limit during the calisthenic finisher. All in all, though, I'll take that.


Muay Thai class

There were a lot of newbies in attendance for this class, which is probably why we stuck to simple punching sequences that sometimes ended with a kick. I was helping to teach one of them, but they apparently didn't want to learn, so I stopped trying rather quickly. Times like this make me wish I had a better understanding of the etiquette for just hitting people who're leaving their head exposed.



Muay Thai class

This was a boxing class, with someone else taking over since the kru was focusing on getting the competitive fighters ready for their event on the weekend. I got partnered with the same newbie from the previous day, but they seemed to listen a little to my advice this time, so I was willing to give them another chance. They didn't follow my suggestion to slow down and focus on doing things correctly over doing them quickly, though, so I expect they're in for either a long learning curve or a short fuse to departure. As for myself, I think I was clean and efficient with my techniques, and I took their sloppy padholding as an excuse to practice tracking unusual target point locations, so I still got something out of it.


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